Makeup Course August 2010

I have been receiving enquiries of whether I conduct makeup course for individuals every now and then. In fact I have just completed a series of makeup workshop for the Far East Organization staff in June and July. It was a great experience speaking in front of so many people and imparting the knowledge. Kinda reminds me of the days when I was teaching in secondary school.

For this coming August, I plan to hold a makeup course that caters for the needs of most people. It would be suitable for those who wish to learn makeup for daily work, outing or functions.

The Course is divided into two sessions – basic and advance. Each session will take about 3 hours. Participants can choose either one or both the sessions.

Special rate and freebies will be given to those who sign up for both.

(Updates: For more information on the latest makeup course details and rate, please visit this page.)

One Comment on “Makeup Course August 2010”

  1. Pingback: Makeup Course August 2010 – Highlights | TheLittleBrush Makeup

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